2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2
Legal Regulations Within the scope of the European Union, there are different types of pedelecs and e-bikes for which dif ferent legal regulations apply.
A pedelec (pedal electric cycle) is a bicycle in which the rider is assisted by an electric drive when pedalling. Its engine can go up to 250 Watts (UK: 200 W), and its maximum speed limit is 25 km/h. It is therefore still considered to be a bicycle which does not need to be registered. The S-pedelec is the faster model. Once again assistance is only provided when pedalling, but it has a more powerful engine. It is generally 350 to 500 Watts and has a cut-off speed of 45 km/h. It is therefore regarded as a moped, light motor cycle or motorbike depending on location and is required by law to be registered and insured in some countrys. Find out about the relevant national stipulations that apply to you! Check your cycle passport to see which type of pedelec you have. Respect the legal regulations. Also, ask your specialist retailer.
EU According to EU law, a pedelec is under the same category as a bicycle and, there fore, has the same requirements. The rules for using pedelec paths are also the same as for bi cycles. Special rules may apply outside the EU and in some EU regions. Please stay informed about the national regulations applicable in your specific country. To use bike paths with your pedelec, please con sult the applicable legal practice in your country. The regulations governing the operation of a pedelec and the requirements regarding mini mum age, certificates, official licenses and hel met requirements may vary in different countries. The same applies to the obligatory use of cycle paths. Please inform yourself about the applica ble legal practice. Separate regulations for S-pedelecs/e-bikes If pedal assistance is provided above 25 km/h, it is not considered a pedelec/e-bike according to Directive 2002/24/EC which has since ex pired. According to the current EU Regulation 2013/168/EU, type approval/approval for specific use is mandatory.
According to EU law: • Speed pedelecs (S-Pedelec) are legally cat egorised as two-wheeled motor vehicles in class L1e, subcategory L1e-B (mopeds). • On journeys using engine assistance only, you are not permitted to ride over 18 km/h. • The engine assistance switches off when you reach approx. 45 km/h. • A driving licence is required. The moped test certificate is mandatory. • A driving license is required. Please inform yourself about the applicable regulations re garding licenses. It is possible that a minimum age is enough to be allowed to ride without a driving license. • If you have a national driving license for a car, the required permission may be covered by this. • You are required by law to wear a helmet and be insured. Before setting out on a ride, find out about the legal stipulations that apply to you.
Check whether your third party liabil ity insurance covers possible dam age caused by using an pedelec.
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