2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2
Intended use
• In general, parts can only be replaced by iden tical parts. Other parts may only be installed if they comply with your speed pedelec’s type approval. Specialist retailers may have lists of alternative parts which also comply with your speed pedelec’s type approval. • Child seats may only be installed on speed pedelecs if they have been approved by the speed pedelec manufacturer. • Passenger trailers are not permitted for speed pedelecs, not even with approval from the speed pedelec or trailer manufacturer. • The blood-alcohol level limit is the same as when driving a car depending on the appli cable legal stipulations. These regulations also apply to you if you are within the scope of the European Union. Other regulations may apply in other countries, includ ing some European nations in isolated cases. Please inform yourself about the applicable leg islation for using your speed pedelec. Speed pedelecs / e-bikes and bike paths If you use your speed pedelec like you would a normal bicycle, without the assistance of the electric motor, you are permitted to use all cycle paths without limitation. The following applies if you use the motor: Like for mopeds, you have to use cycle paths outside of urban areas when riding a speed pedelec. If this is not permitted, this is displayed by an additional sign on the cy cle path stating “no mopeds”. In urban areas, you are only permitted to use cycle paths which fea ture an additional sign permitting you to do so.
The unloaded weight of the vehicle amounts to 25–28kg. The maximum permissible rider weight (weight of rider + baggage) is 107kg for MTBs and 122kg for city and trekking bikes. The maximum permissible total weight (weight of bicycle + rider + baggage + trail er) amounts to 135kg for MTBs and 150kg for city and trekking bikes. Dangers of improper use Only use your pedelec for its in tended use. Please read the sec tion “Intended Use” in the original instruction manual. This also includes adherence to the operating, servicing and maintenance con ditions that are described in this manual. In form other users of the intended use and the dangers of not adhering to it. Improper use, overloading and lack of maintenance may lead to accidents and falls involving severe injuries to you and other people!
Pedelecs are means of transport deigned to be ridden by one person. Transporting an additional person on the bike is only permitted in the frame work of national legislation. If you would like to transport baggage, your pedelec needs to be fitted with suitable equipment. Children may be transported in child seats or in trail ers intended for this purpose. Pay attention to quality. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum permissible weight. Unless otherwise specified, trailers and addition al luggage racks are not permitted. The pedelec is not licensed for competitions. Child seats must be attached to the frame. Fischer pedelecs with a Brose motor and with out rear suspension are approved for use with trailers. For information on trailer use with other mod els, please contact the FISCHER service hotline on +49 721 97902560 or send an e-mail to fis cher-fahrradshop@mts-gruppe.com. Child seats are only permitted on pedelecs with out rear suspension. Child seats must be at tached to the frame.
Always secure your pedelec with a lock against unauthorised use!
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