2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2

If you have a fall

• Lift the pedelec up at both the front and rear to turn the front and rear wheels. The rim should move smoothly straight through the brakes. The tyres must not touch the brakes. You can see from the distance between the frame or fork and the wheel whether the wheel turns without rubbing. • Check that both brakes are operating fully. • Do not set off again without having checked that the chain is fixed securely onto both the front chain wheel and rear sprockets. It must be engaged fully with the cogs. If you set off and the chain slips off a cog you may fall, at the risk of injury. Aluminium components can break unexpectedly when deformed. Do not use any parts that have been deformed or bent, such as after a fall. Al ways replace these parts. If you notice any changes to your pedelec, DO NOT continue cycling. Do not retighten loose parts without prior inspection and not without a torque key. Please contact us on our service hotline, describe the fall and have your pedelec inspected!

Do not use your pedelec if you think it may not be in perfect condition. Please contact us on our service hotline. Especially if you use your pedelec intensively, due to sports or daily usage, it is essential to have all important components regularly inspected by a specialist / Fischer customer service technician. Frame and fork, suspension components and other parts rel evant to your safety such as brakes and wheels are subject to heavy wear, which can impact the operating safety of these parts. A component may unexpectedly begin to mal function if you use it beyond its lifespan or recommended period of use. This may lead to accidents and serious injury. Please make these checks before continuing after an accident or if your pedelec falls over. Compo nents made from aluminium cannot be safe ly straightened again. Please contact us on our service hotline.

Check the entire pedelec for any damage. This could be dents and cracks in the frame and fork but also bent parts. Also, if any parts such as the handle bars or seat have shifted or twisted, you need to check that these parts are working and safely secured. • Examine the frame and fork closely. If you ex amine the surface from different angles, you usually will be able to clearly see any defor mations. • Check that the seat, seat post, stem and han dlebars are still in the correct position. If this is not the case, DO NOT attempt to turn or bend the part back from its new position without un doing the corresponding screws. When fasten ing parts, always use the specified tightening torque. These values can be found on page 39 and in the chapter “Quick Release” on page 17. • Check that both wheels fit correctly and se curely in the frame and fork.


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