2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2
A typical spring element can look like this:
rear wheel. If you a) notice play anywhere or b) hear rattling, please contact us on our service hotline. Do not use your pedelec un til it has been repaired. The functionality and secure fit of the suspension parts are vital for your safety. Clean and check your full suspension pedelec on a regular basis! Warm water with a little washing up liquid or gentle cleaning agents are suitable for cleaning this part of the pedelec.
Adjusting damping
Adjusting spring stiffness
Maintenance and upkeep
For detailed information, please read the enclosed instructions from the manufacturer.
Only have components replaced by original spare parts from the manu facturer or parts approved by the
Avoid washing your pedelec with a high-pressure cleaner as the clean ing fluid can penetrate sealed parts due to the high pressure and then eventually destroy them. The shock absorber‘s sliding pistons and gaskets should be carefully cleaned with a soft cloth as part of your reg ular pedelec cleaning routine. Spray lubri cant on the running surface of the shock absorbers and gaskets helps keep the sys tem working effectively. Special spray lubri cant is available for this purpose. You should regularly check the links of the rear fork for play. Grip the frame securely and attempt to move the rear wheel from side to side. You can also test for play in the shock absorber at tachment by rapidly lifting and dropping the
Tighten all screws to the recom mended torque to avoid screws fall ing out or breaking and parts falling
Please have your pedelec checked by a specialist retailer on a regular basis. Please contact us on our ser vice hotline. Our Fischer customer service technicians identify damages and worn com ponents and can advise you on choosing any necessary replacements. Refrain from repairing key parts yourself (frame, fork, handlebars, stem, headset, brakes, lights). The pedelec and all mechanical parts are subject to wear, tear and heavy use. Different materials and components can react to wear and tear from heavy use in different ways. If a component is used for longer than it is designed for, it
off (see page 39).
Full suspension pedelecs are not suitable for use with trailers and child bike trailers! The bearings and attachments are not designed to withstand this sort of force. This could result in wear and damage with serious consequences. If you have a full suspension frame with a short seat tube which is open at the bottom, the seat post can only be lowered to the point that it does not touch the spring element when it uses its full travel.
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