2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2

A typical suspension fork can look like this:

Under no circumstances should you ride with a bent or broken frame. Never attempt to repair dam aged parts yourself. Otherwise, there is a danger of accidents. Defective parts must be replaced by a specialist/Fischer custom er service technician. Please only ride your pedelec again when the parts affected have been replaced. Faults on the frame or other parts can cause accidents. If your pedelec does not ride in a straight line without any problems, this can be due to a bent frame or fork. Please contact us on our service hot line to have the frame and fork inspected and wheel tracking corrected, if necessary. Suspension If your pedelec is equipped with suspension el ements, they must be adjusted to suit the rider’s weight and intended purpose. Such work re quires specialist knowledge and experience and should only be performed with the help of a spe cialist/Fischer service technician.

uid are suitable here. Specialist retailers al so stock suitable spray lubricant for greas ing your suspension regularly, both after every clean and otherwise. The same ap plies for suspension seat posts. Most suspension seat posts can be adjusted to the rider‘s weight. How ever, in most cases this requires the seat post to first be extracted from the frame. Please contact us on our service hot line if you have any questions.

Adjusting damping

Adjusting spring stiffness

Suspension travel

Suspension frames and spring elements

Any adjustment to a suspension fork must be car ried out in accordance with the suspension fork manufacturer’s operating manual. As a general rule, the suspension fork should show noticeable movement when riding over uneven surfaces but should not “knock” (i.e. compress all the way to the limit stop). A suitable basic set up would see the suspen sion pushed in around 10 - 15% (cross country), 15 - 20% (touring) or 25 - 33% (enduro, freeride, downhill) of the spring travel when the rider is sit ting normally on the pedelec. Suspension forks can only function effectively if they are regularly cleaned. Purpose-made cleaning products or warm water with washing up liq

In this case, the frame‘s rear fork is flexible and a shock absorber provides suspension and damp ing. Some shock absorbers use a metal spring to absorb vibration, while others do this with an air chamber. The absorbability, which regulates the speed of compression and stretching, can be adjusted in high quality shock absorbers.

Carefully read the enclosed manual concerning the suspension system to your pedelec.


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