NIGRIN Moto-Bike EN 2022
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A symbol of protection, shine and care for over 125 years
NIGRIN is one of the great traditional German companies. Its success story started in 1896 with a black shoe and leather pol ishing cream that soon became so loved and valued by custom ers that the brand name NIGRIN was registered for leather care products in 1901. This was followed in 1904 by the registration of the still famous chimney sweep as the brand symbol. In the 1920s to 1940s, NIGRIN was one of the most important shoe cream and leather care brands in Germany. In the years of Germany’s “economic miracle”, the steep rise in the popularity of the car opened up new opportuni ties and business areas for the traditional brand and its chimney sweep. Thanks to the company’s know-how
in the field of chemical cleaning and care products, the first range of NIGRIN car care products was introduced in 1963, marking the start of the “more recent” success story of NIGRIN as a specialist in everything to do with the appearance, protec tion and value retention of “Germany’s favourite child” ... In 1974, we, the current MTS GmbH & Co. KG, took over all the formulae, production rights and protected NIGRIN trade marks.
A specialist in car care products for 60 years: Our constant product optimisation and the use of cutting-edge technolo gies combining outstanding performance with maximum ease of use make NIGRIN today one of the leading car care brands in the German-speaking world. This suc cess does not just spring from nowhere: Alongside our product expertise, most importantly, we share our customers’ fascination and passion for cars.
That’s why we know what motorcycle lovers want and need – in every sense: price, performance and user-friendliness. Our experience forms the basis for our knowledge and our ambition turns into the desire to make our products just that little bit better every day. We work hard and with determination to achieve this because we enjoy experiencing the success of our products in practice.
Exactly our material!
Competent The most comprehensive range of products for the manual cleaning, care, maintenance and repair of cars and two-wheel ers – including product ranges for caravans and bicycles. Ongoing introduction of market-relevant product innovations to simplify and improve the performance of our car care range. User-oriented NIGRIN makes cleaning and care simpler and easier: for example, with its paint care products which don’t need to be buffed up afterwards, or cleaners with an effectivity indicator for reliable application. The products are always safe and reliable for amateurs, through the “proven material compatibility”, for example, acid free formulae, technologies that don’t harm the materials, etc. product line centring on the cleaning, care and value maintenance of motorcycles and scooters which we have developed using the latest technology and material requirements. NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE is supplemented by solutions for specific applications in the NIGRIN car care programme, such as metal polishing paste, rust removers or leather and plastic care products. Paintwork, metal, chrome, rubber, leather, plastics ... we know all about them! NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE is a independent
High-quality Our core range of chemical products is almost completely “made in Germany”. Well-developed formulae achieve the best possible applica tion results with the least possible effort – and offer incredible value for money. Sales-oriented Packaging labelled with clear explanations mean that customers will know they’re buying the right product. Application descriptions on the back list any extra products needed, which results in additional purchases. Tidy, well-structured product presentations, high-quality store or special presentation and attention-grabbing displays make sure your sales areas are attractive and effective.
“Motorcycling washes away from the soul the dust of everyday” (freely adapted from Berthold Auerbach) For many bikers, motorcycling is a way of feeling free and the best way of clearing their head. There are now 4.4 million motorcycles in Germany – the highest figure for the last 10 years. (Source: Statista)
Maintaining the perfect line!
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Gel Cleaner (Art nr. 20615) 750 ml spray bottle Ideal for use with mixed materials. Cleans thoroughly and effortlessly and is totally material-compatible. Removes stubborn soiling such as oil, grease, resin, insects. Completely acid-free gel formula. Easy and safe to use – the gel
When it comes to cleaning motorcycles or scooters, looks are important, of course – but it’s maintaining the value, function and driving pleasure that really counts. The focus is on care and conservation, especially of the moving parts. Dirt encourages rust formation, blocks mechanical functions and thus also affects ease of opera tion and smooth running. This applies in particular for the drive mechanism, gears and safety-related brakes. Another important effect of thorough cleaning: visual in spection! Only when a bike is clean is it possible to detect and recognise any cracks, rust, deformation or similar damage.
formula stops the cleaner running off when it’s left to take effect.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Chain Cleaner (Art. no. 20619) 500 ml aerosol Suitable for O, Z and X ring chains. Prevents increased wear on the chain unit caused by dirt. Cleans and degreases all motorcycle chains. Removes soiled chain grease and the dirt contained in it. Improves smooth running properties.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Cleaning Wax (Art. no. 20616) 400 ml aerosol Produces colour intensity and brilliant high-gloss finish in the minimum time. Suitable for all smooth and painted surfaces. Protects against new soiling. Guarantees a durable beading effect and lasting conservation. Leaves no residues.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Chain Spray Grease – Dry Lube – (Art. no. 20620) 400 ml aerosol Transparent and does NOT change the chain colour.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet Lining Cleaner
(Art. no. 20618) 300 ml spray bottle Gently penetrates every fibre with no need to remove the helmet lining. Removes sweat, dirt and grease residues. Neutralises unpleasant odours. Makes helmets fresh and comfortable to wear. Prevents lining fatigue and thus extends the working life of the helmet.
Suitable for O, Z and X ring chains. Maintains the lubrication effect due to its excellent centrifuge resistance even at high speeds. Its damp-repellent properties effectively prevent corrosion. Reaches even difficult-to-access areas
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet and Visor Cleaner (Art. no. 20617) 20 x 50 ml bottles, in counter display Removes dirt, insects, oil and silicone residues. Removes misting and stops it reforming. Ensures clear, dazzle-free vision in any weather. Improves driving safety. Long-lasting effect.
The complete NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE range is presented in an attractive special display on a 1/4 pallet.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Microfibre Cloth (Art. no. 20614) 20 packs, 50 x 40 cm, in counter display Anti-static effect, no fluff left behind. Absolutely ideal for cleaning glass and all smooth and painted surfaces.
Excellent dust-binding capacity. Absorbs dirt and grease residues. Machine-washable up to 40°C.
Art. no. Placement suggestion
20614 20617 20618 20615 20616 20620 20619
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Microfibre Cloth
2 x 20
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet and Visor Cleaner
2 x 20
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet Lining Cleaner 18
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Chain Spray Grease
Art. no.
Packaging EAN Code
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Microfibre Cloth
in counter display
4 008153 206146
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet and Visor Cleaner, 50 ml
in counter display
4 008153 206177
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Helmet Lining Cleaner
300 ml
4 008153 206184
750 ml
4 008153 206153
400 ml
4 008153 015632
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE Chain Spray Grease
400 ml
4 008153 206207
500 ml
4 008153 015649
MTS MarkenTechnikService GmbH & Co. KG Carl-Benz-Straße 2 D-76761 Rülzheim Tel. +49 (0) 7272 9801-100
Inter-Union Technohandel GmbH Carl-Benz-Straße 2 D-76761 Rülzheim Tel. +49 (0) 7272 9801-100 EVB Handelshaus Bour GmbH Carl-Benz-Straße 2 D-76761 Rülzheim Tel. +49 (0) 7272 9801-100
V.E. Kern Ges.mbH Percostraße 14 A-1220 Wien Tel. +43 (0) 12 50 35-0
Tegro AG Ringstraße 3
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach Tel. +41 (0) 4 48 06 88 88
Intertec Polska SP. zo.o. Stara Wiés, ul. Grodziska 22 PL-05-830 Nadarzyn Tel. +48 (0) 2 27 38 64 73
Version: 09/2022
We reserve the right to make technical changes. Offer not binding. Our terms of delivery and payment apply. Subject to being unsold. Minimum order value per delivery site €800 No right of return even on special offer products.
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