NIGRIN Aktionen Neuheiten 2024 EN

CRAZY SUCCESSFUL The brand for all those who are crazy about cars. MAD DOC's formula for success: the highly effective textures and gel formulations. "Fast and furious" now also available on the sales floor: wild style and intense performance sold at a rapid pace - MAD DOC's promotional placement.


BURN BLASTER rim cleaner (Art.No. 20727) 750 ml in the trigger bottle Acid-free, self-active rim cleaner for

BUG BANGER insect remover (Art.No. 20944) 750 ml in the trigger bottle

GLOSSY GUARDIAN waterless wash 'n wax (Art.No. 20943) 750 ml in the trigger bottle Cleaning, caring and preserving multi-detailer for all hard surfaces on and in the vehicle: I ts specific active ingredient matrix enables scratch-free surface cleaning without water or washing. S oaks surface dirt, which can then be removed with an absor bent, soft microfiber cloth. I deally suited if a water-intensive full wash is not required because there is no coarse soiling.

Self-acting insect remover for the effective dissolution of dried insect residues: E xtends the exposure time of the self-active agents by forming a viscous, stable gel film. D issolves even stubborn insect

intensive cleaning of sensitive alloy rims: F orms a closed gel film that optimizes the exposure time of the self-active cleaning formula. A chieves the best results, especially with old, encrusted and burnt-on soiling.

residues without attacking painted surfaces, plastics, rubber, metal or chrome. C an also be used as a pre-treat ment for car washes.

D evelops its cleaning performance gently through its service life, not through its aggressiveness.

WONDROUS WIPE microfiber cloth (Art.No. 20941L) 40 cm x 40 cm Two-sided multifunctional microfiber cloth: R emoves stubborn dirt with the hard-wearing, checkered side. B inds dirt with the high-pile, highly absorbent side. I s robust and washable up to 60 °C.

SHINY SHEETING car shampoo (Art.No. 20942) 1000 ml in a round bottle

Equipment suggestion 1/4 pallet

Art.No. Designation

Execution VE Fitting

Extremely powerful and gentle on materi als with a long-lasting sheeting and water run-off effect: A lso removes stubborn dirt such as bird droppings, insect protein, tree resin and oils. C auses a so-called sheeting effect due to special surface-active agents - water runs off almost residue-free. R ain simply runs off after washing and dust and dirt hardly have a chance to adhere to the surfaces.

BURN BLASTER wheel cleaner


750 ml



BUG BANGER insect remover


750 ml



SHINY SHEETING car shampoo


1000 ml



GLOSSY GUARDIAN waterless wash 'n wax


750 ml



20941L WONDROUS WIPE microfiber cloth

40 x 40 cm



Fully equipped display as suggested

BURN BLASTER wheel cleaner BURN BLASTER wheel cleaner

SHINY SHEETING car shampoo

BUG BANGER insect remover

WONDROUS WIPE microfiber cloth

GLOSSY GUARDIAN waterless wash 'n wax

Art.No. 688591

Art.No. 20727 750 ml

Art.No. 20942 1000 ml

Art.No. 20944 750 ml

Art.No. 20941L 750 ml

Art.No. 20943

750 ml

4 017568 688591

4 008153 016370

4 008153 043086

4 008153 043109

4 008153 042782

4 008153 043093



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