NIGRIN Aktionen Neuheiten 2024 EN
The market for motorized two-wheelers is growing again. Reason enough to be able to offer your customers the appropriate washing and care range. The NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE world is presented in a high-quality, compact secondary placement as well as in counter trays for spontaneous take-away purchases. KICK START
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain spray grease - dry lube - (Art.No. 20620) 400 ml aerosol I s transparent and does NOT change the color of the chain. S uitable for O-, Z- and X-ring chains. M aintains the lubricating effect due to its high spin resistance even at high speeds. E ffectively protects against corrosion thanks to its moisture-displacing effect.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain cleaner (Art.No. 20619) 500 ml aerosol S uitable for O-, Z- and X-ring chains.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE helmet pad cleaner (Art.No. 20618) 300 ml spray bottle
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE gel cleaner (Art.No. 20615) 750 ml spray bottle C leans effortlessly, thoroughly and is fully compatible with materials. R emoves stubborn stains such as oils, greases, resins and insects. W orks with a completely acid-free gel formula. T he gel formula prevents the cleaner from running off during the application time.
C leans fiber-deep and gently without removing the helmet liner. R emoves sweat, dirt and grease residues. N eutralizes unpleasant odours. C reates a pleasant, fresh feel.
P revents increased wear of the chain set due to soiling. R emoves contamina ted chain grease and the dirt bound in it. I mproves the smooth running properties.
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE cleaning wax (Art.No. 20616) 400 ml aerosol B rings intense color and brilliant high gloss in a minimum of time. C ares for all smooth and varnished surfaces. G uarantees a long-lasting beading effect with
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE helmet and visor cleaner (Art.No. 20617) 20 pieces à 50 ml, in counter display C leans dirt, insects, oil and silicone coatings. R emoves fogging and prevents new fogging in the long term. C reates clear, glare-free vision in any weather. H as a long-lasting effect. NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE microfiber cloth (Art.No. 20614) 20 pieces à 50 x 40 cm, in counter display H as an antistatic effect, leaves no lint. E xcellent for cleaning glass and all smooth and painted surfaces. H as an optimum dust-binding capa city. M achine washable up to 40 °C.
lasting preservation. L eaves no residue.
Equipment suggestion 1/4 pallet
Art.No. Designation
Execution VE Fitting
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE micro fiber cloth NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE helmet and visor cleaner NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE hel met pad cleaner NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE gel cleaner
in counter display in counter display
300 ml
750 ml
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE cleaning wax
400 ml
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain spray dry lube NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain cleaner
400 ml
500 ml
Fully equipped display as suggested
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain spray dry lube
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE gel cleaner
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE chain cleaner
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE cleaning wax
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE helmet pad cleaner
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE helmet and visor cleaner
NIGRIN MOTO-BIKE microfiber cloth
Art.No. 20671
Art.No. 20620 400 ml
Art.No. 20615 750 ml
Art.No. 20619 500 ml
Art.No. 20616 400 ml
Art.No. 20618 300 ml
Art.No. 20617
Art.No. 20614
50 ml
1 pc.
4 008153 206719
4 008153 206207
4 008153 206153
4 008153 015649
4 008153 015632
4 008153 206184
4 008153 206177
4 008153 206146
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