NIGRIN Caravan 2022 EN
A symbol of protection, shine and care for over 125 years
NIGRIN is one of the great traditional German companies. Its success story started in 1896 with a black shoe and leather polishing cream that soon became so loved and valued by customers that the brand name NIGRIN was registered for leather care products in 1901. This was followed in 1904 by the registration of the still famous chimney sweep as the brand symbol. In the 1920s to 1940s, NIGRIN was one of the most important shoe cream and leather care brands in Germany. In the years of Germany’s “economic miracle”, the steep rise in the popularity of the car opened up new opportunities and business areas for the traditional brand and its chimney sweep. Thanks to the company’s know-how in the field of chemical cleaning and care products, the first range of NIGRIN car care products was introduced in 1963, marking the start of the “more recent” success story of NIGRIN as a specialist in everything to do with the appearance, protection and value retention of “Germany’s favourite child” ... In 1974, we, the current MTS GmbH & Co. KG, took over all the for mulae, production rights and protected NIGRIN trade marks.
A specialist in car care products for 60 years: Our constant product optimisation and the use of cutting-edge technolo gies combining outstanding performance with maximum ease of use make NIGRIN today one of the leading car care brands in the German-speaking world. This success does not just spring from nowhere: Alongside our product expertise, most importantly, we share our customers’ fascination and passion for cars. That’s why we know what motorcycle lovers want and need – in every sense: price, performance and user-friendliness. Our experience forms the basis for our knowledge and our ambition turns into the desire to make our products just that little bit better every day. We work hard and with determination to achieve this because we enjoy experiencing the success of our products in practice.
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