2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2

When removing a wheel for transport: Place the plastic wedge shown in the pictures be low in place of the brake disc between the brake pads 1 . Remove the wedge 2 before putting the wheel back in place. This stops the brake pads from being accidentally adjusted.

On the train Public transportation has different regulations regarding the carrying or transportation of pedelecs. Know which busses and trains you can take before using public transportation. xy If you are travelling on an IC/EC train, you need to reserve a place for the pedelec in advance. Rules for transporting a pedelec: The same regulations apply as when transporting a bicycle. It is best to remove the battery from the bike before and while using public transportation. By airplane Check with the airline about the regulations re garding the transport of sports equipment/bicy cles. You may have to declare the bicycle. Care fully pack your bicycle to prevent any damages in transport. For packaging, you can use a special bicycle case or a sturdy transport box. Contact us on our service hotline if you have any further questions. Rules for transporting a pedelec: Batteries must be transported as dangerous goods. You must ensure that it is clearly labelled as such. Ask your airline about this. Also, check with your airline about the regulations regard ing the transport of sports equipment/bicycles/ pedelecs.



The following generally applies to the transport of pedelecs:

The battery is not considered a haz ardous material when transported to operate the pedelec. The battery becomes a hazardous material when it is transported any other way. In this case, you must follow the appropriate guidelines.

Rules for transporting a pedelec: You can transport your pedelec by car as you would a normal bicycle. Before transporting your pedelec, remove the battery and transport it sep arately. The weight of the pedelec will call for a heavier-duty rack. Always adjust your riding be haviour to the load you are carrying.

Remove the battery of your pedelec before transportation and transport it separately.

Never send the battery yourself. Batteries are considered hazardous materials. In some circumstances, it can overheat and catch fire. Only send your pedelec’s battery via your specialist/Fischer customer service technician. Please contact us on our service hotline.


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