2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2

Lubricant schedule

Working on the pedelec requires special knowledge, experience and special tools! Only allow experts or Fischer customer service technicians to work or check key parts on the pedelec!

Lubrication plan What must be lubricated?

At what intervals?

With which lubricant?


after removing dirt, after having ridden in the rain, every 250 km

Chain oil

Brake and gear cables

in the event of malfunctioning once a year

Silicon-free grease

Wheel bearings, pedal bearings, bottom bracket

once a year

Bearing grease

Spring elements

After cleaning to remove dirt, after riding in the rain, as prescribed by the manufacturer

Special spraying oil

Thread in case of installation

during installation

Assembly lubricant

Contact surfaces of carbon fibre parts

during installation

Carbon assembly paste

Sliding surfaces of quick releases

once a year

Grease, Spray lubricant

Metal seat posts in the metal frame

during installation


Joints of gear systems

in the event of malfunctioning once a year

Spray lubricant

Joints of brake systems

in the event of malfunctioning once a year

Spray lubricant

Joints in the full suspension frame

in the event of malfunctioning when soiled

According to the manufac turer‘s instructions


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