2022 Fischer Operating Instructions en V3.2

slightly higher resistance. This is not noticea ble when cycling, but can be seen in this test. • The hub bearing should not exhibit play. Pull the wheels from side to side in the fork and frame to check if they are loose. No play should be noticeable here. • If the wheel moves slightly to the side in the bearing or only turns with difficulty, the hub bearings must be adjusted by an expert or Fischer customer service technician. Wheels / Tyres Rims undergo high strain and are safety-relevant parts. They will be come worn from riding. If you see any damage, do not ride using this rim. Have an expert or Fischer customer service technician inspect and replace any dam aged rims. Wear can weaken rims and lead to falls and serious accidents. Normal operation wears down brake rubbers and brake pads. You should therefore regularly check the condition of your braking system and brake pads. Replace worn brake pads in good time! Ensure that rims and brake discs are clean and free of any oil.

Modern rims (from 24") indicate when they are worn from braking. These indicators take the form of embossed or coloured points or lines on the brake surfaces of the rims. When these dis appear, you should no longer use the rims. There are also similar indicators which only appear after a certain level of wear. It necessary to have the rims inspected by a specialist/Fischer customer service tech nician no later than once you have worn out two pairs of brake pads.

file. The bicycle’s handling could otherwise be negatively affected. This may lead to ac cidents.

Tyres are available in various dimen sions. The tyre dimensions are pro vided with standardised information. Example 1: “46-622” means that the tyres have a width of 46 mm and the rim has a diameter of 622 mm. Example 2: “28 x 1.60 inches” states that the tyre has a diameter of 28 inches and a width of 1.60 inches. Tyres and tyre pressure The amounts for the recommended tyre pressure can either be named in bar or PSI. The follow ing table presents the conversions for the usu al pressure levels and shows which tyre widths these pressures should be applied to.

Groove as wear marking

The permitted tyre pressure may not be exceeded when inflating the tyres. Otherwise this could lead to a tyre bursting. The tyres must be inflated to at least the stated minimum tyre pressure. If the tyre pressure is too low, there is a possibility that the tyre could free itself from the rim. On the side surface of the tyre, there is in formation on the maximum permitted tyre pressure and generally also on the mini mum permitted tyre pressure. If you replace the tyres, only exchange them for the same model with the same dimensions and pro

Tyre width

Recommended tyre pressure

20 mm 23 mm 25 mm 28 mm 30 mm 32 mm

9.0 bar 130 psi 8.0 bar 115 psi 7.0 bar 100 psi 6.0 bar 85 psi 5.5 bar 80 psi 5.0 bar 70 psi

Clean the braking surfaces regularly according to the inspection plan, page 36.


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